Omni Expo 2014 Information

Omni Expo 2014

Omni Expo 2014

May 23-25, 2014

Orlando World Center Marriott
Orlando, FL

Convention with Anime, Comics, Horror, and Sci-Fi programming

OMNI EXPO is a combination of this generation's craving for the latest and greatest that Technology has to offer and the yearning for a world with infinite possibilities. It will bring together the world of today and tomorrow, interspersed with the world of fantasy, which influences minds to believe in the possibilities of the future.

The event will combine major corporate players in the fields of Electronics, Video, Games, Communications, Anime Licensing, Home Video, and more. It will also include the showcasing of several of Florida's largest established Fan Genre Conventions in Sci-Fi, Anime, and Comics -- BelleCon, EvilCon, Holiday Matsuri, Khaotic Kon, Mythicon, and Shadocon.

OMNI EXPO will be the first Consumer Expo to bring all of these together under one roof. Companies will have a face-to-face experience with their direct buying demographic to show their latest and greatest Technologies, as well as letting them know what is new and coming soon!

Registration Information

Advance Rates
$35 through Aug 30; $40 through Nov 1; $43.33 through Dec 27; $46.67 through Mar 1; $50 through May 2
At-Door Rates
$55 weekend; $35 Fri; $35 Sat; $30 Sun

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