Animate! Miami 2014 Information

Animate! Miami 2014

Animate! Miami 2014

January 17-19, 2014

Miami Airport Convention Center
Miami, FL

Anime Convention
Organized by GalaxyCon LLC

ANIMATE! MIAMI: South Florida's Anime, Animation and Cosplay Convention returns JANUARY 17 - 19, 2014! Don't miss 3 days of fun featuring celebrity voice actors, industry guests, anime, cosplayers, artists, panels, Q&A's, costume & cosplay contests, vendors, parties, workshops and more!


11,200 total people (estimated)
10,100 paid attendeees (estimated)

Registration Information

Advance Rates
$27.50 through September 9, 2013
$35 through October 2, 2013
$45 through December 2, 2013
$50 through January 15, 2014
At-Door Rates
All 3 Days: $55
Saturday: $30

Photos and Reports

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