ConnectiCon 2016 Information

ConnectiCon 2016

ConnectiCon 2016

July 7-10, 2016

Connecticut Convention Center / Hartford Marriott Downtown / Hilton Hartford
Hartford, CT

Convention with Anime, Comics, Fantasy, Furry, Gaming, Media, Sci-Fi, and Video Gaming programming

ConnectiCon has a little bit of everything for every type of fan we've got:
Cosplay, Comics, Online Media, Tabletop Gaming, Video Gaming, TV and Movie stars, Voice Actors, Panels & Workshops, Contests, Dances...
We've got ALL THE THINGS at one event!


15,186 total people
12,296 paid attendeees

Registration Information

Advance Rates
$50 through January 2, 2016
$60 through April 2, 2016
$75 through July 2, 2016
At-Door Rates
All 4 Days: $75
Friday: $40
Saturday: $50
Sunday: $30

Photos and Reports

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