HorrorCons.com News

July 28, 2003

Worcester Welcomes Dance Dance Revolution Tournament

From New England Anime Society

The New England Anime Society Sponsors a Dance Dance Revolution Tournament

WORCESTER, Mass. - July 28, 2003 - The New England Anime Society, Inc. is proud to announce the first in a series of planned events for the New England region with a Dance Dance Revolution Tournament to be held on August 17th, 2003 at Playoff Arcade (www.playoffarcade.com) in Worcester, Massachusetts.

"Dance Dance Revolution has been sweeping the nation with its unique combination of popular dance music and perfect timing," said New England Anime Society President, Adam K. Ferraro. "I am pleased that the we have been able to work with Playoff Arcade to bring a tournament of this sort here to central Massachusetts."

Dance Dance Revolution is an interactive videogame where participants actually dance in time to the music in an effort to earn a perfect score. "It's very physical," according to Mr. Ferraro. "This is not a game where you can stand still and hope to do well. The whole point is you have to dance, and dance well. You work up quite a sweat and get some good exercise."

Registration for the tournament will cost $5.00 per person and food and drink will be provided. The tournament is sponsored jointly by Playoff Arcade and The New England Anime Society, Inc., in co-operation with Red Octane. Full information and details on how to register can be found on the official New England Anime Society, Inc. web site at www.neanime.org.

About Playoff Arcade
Playoff Arcade was established in the 1970's in beautiful Worcester, Massachusetts. It is one of the largest independently owned and operated arcades in New England and features a wide variety of coin-operated entertainment. Located on Cambridge Street, and open seven days a week, Playoff is one of the leading recreational facilities in the city. More information about Playoff can be found at www.playoffarcade.com.

About The New England Anime Society, Inc.
The New England Anime Society, Inc. is a Massachusetts-based 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Its mission is to further American understanding of Japanese language and culture through written and visual media. Founded in 2001, The New England Anime Society, Inc. is also the producer of, Anime Boston (www.animeboston.com), the seventh largest Japanese animation convention in the United States with an attendance of over 4,100 people.


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